Our Process

Our award-winning team of experienced professionals will help you determine the best option to meet your needs. We will guide you through the process from design to completion while always being budget conscious and never sacrificing quality or service. Our remodeling division has provided customized services for over 20 years and has won numerous professional awards including Florida Remodeler of the Year.

  • Schedule site visit to review site and scope of work
  • Review process and/or cost of putting estimate together
  • Review the need for drafting and engineering
  • Decide if other trades need to have access to property so that adequate information can be gathered for the estimate
  • Review and put final estimate together
  • Sign proposal and assign team of remodeling specialist to the project
  • Superintendent and Project Manager assigned to each job. Project Manager obtains HOA approval and permits job as needed.
  • Site meeting with team and owners to review scope of work and accessibility to the project
  • Production
  • Project Manager orders long lead items and sets a production start date
  • Superintendent oversees job throughout production. They ensure good communication between production team and owners through duration of the project. Maintain a safe and secure job with a high emphasis on cleanliness.
  • Removal of all debris in a timely manner
  • Completion of scope of work in timely manner. Schedule final walk through to confirm expectations are met and clients become part of our long history of satisfied customers.
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